Ageas websites :

picture AgeSA responds to growing demand for new Savings & Protection products

AgeSA responds to growing demand for new Savings & Protection products

picture Shifting consumer behaviours in mobility space leads to new solutions

Shifting consumer behaviours in mobility space leads to new solutions


The creation of health ecosystems becoming a reality

Through Impact24, we constantly look to expand to adjacent businesses where we can offer customers a broader range of services, such as in healthcare. That is why we’ve been scaling up our efforts across the Group, inspired by the success we have enjoyed in markets like Portugal, considered as a Centre of Excellence thanks to the experience of worldclass health insurer Médis.

picture Taiping Life makes further progress in health and retirement space

Taiping Life makes further progress in health and retirement space


What we need from Next-Gen partners… 
and what they need from us?

Partnerships are part of our DNA. As each partnership is different, we are constantly learning something new. So, what does it take to remain the partner of choice?

Ageas Re excited by response to reinsurance offering in 1st year

When Ageas announced plans to open its reinsurance activity to third parties, outside its Group perimeter, it could not have imagined the kind of response it would receive from the market in its inaugural year of operation.

picture Ageing is less of a challenge but more of an opportunity!

Ageing is less of a challenge but more of an opportunity!

picture Ageas Federal Life builds foundations of brand-new distribution channel

Ageas Federal Life builds foundations of brand-new distribution channel

picture AG in Belgium transitions from insurance provider to fully-fledged Healthcare Partner

AG in Belgium transitions from insurance provider to fully-fledged Healthcare Partner

picture Médis focuses on growing importance of Mental Health Wellbeing

Médis focuses on growing importance of Mental Health Wellbeing


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