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Médis focuses on growing importance of Mental Health Wellbeing

Around the world there is a growing focus on the important topic of Mental Health. For so long considered a topic carrying a stigma in some markets, psychological well-being is now understood to be very much one of the fundamental pillars for good health. 

Médis focuses on growing importance of Mental Health Wellbeing

The reality is that more than one in five Portuguese suffers from a mental health problem including anxiety and depression. Médis was determined to remove the stigma by offering prevention; adding more features to its offer and more access to care and treatments that enable recovery and a return to “normal” life. 

Focusing on prevention and treatment pillars, mental health is now treated more comprehensively at Médis, integrating services and coverage such as Mental Health coverage, which includes psychology, psychiatry consultations and psychotherapy sessions in the outpatient capital, as well as 20 days of psychiatric hospitalisation in the Médis network. These work alongside other available services such as Médis Assistant Doctor, Online Doctor, and a Médis Helpline to support, advise and address concerns when needed. 

And because an important part of health prevention is information, Médis created a space dedicated to promoting mental health literacy on its website, where in addition to information about coverage and services, various practical contents such as checklists, guides for health podcasts and articles are housed. 

Reinforcing this special commitment to Mental Health in 2023, Médis also stepped up to sponsor an educational podcast series “Which Voice is this?” produced by Expresso, in which highly reputable specialists and commentators share the most advanced therapeutic approaches in practice alongside real-life testimonials featuring those who have experienced mental health challenges. The podcast has been a great success, is at the top of the podcast rankings in the Portuguese-speaking area and has been distinguished with the Psychiatry and Mental Health Journalism Award. 

Music at the End of the Tunnel

As another way to raise awareness among the public of the importance of well-being and mental health, Médis became involved in a special initiative entitled: “There’s Music at the End of the Tunnel.” Live concerts in the Porto and Lisbon subways were put on thanks to the National Coordination of Mental Health Policy, operating in the field of well-being and mental health promotion, which this year benefits from the institutional support of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Culture as well as Médis.

And recognising that Mental Health wellbeing is also important to our own employees: a full month of special activities related to the topic took place in October, complementing the ongoing support provided through a fully dedicated social assistant that provides permanent support to those who are seeking help.