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Aksigorta launches first insurance exclusively for electric vehicles in Türkiye

With sales of electric vehicles in Türkiye increasing by 251% in the first quarter of 2023 alone, Aksigorta spotted a gap in the market and an opportunity to position itself as a leader and pioneer in this segment. But it meant doing something different. While policy add-ons to traditional motor policies are already in existence for some time in the market, a product exclusively geared to electric vehicles is something new and unique to Aksigorta. 

Aksigorta launches first insurance exclusively for electric vehicles in Türkiye

In just 8 short weeks, Aksigorta launched e-kasko into the market, a comprehensive electric vehicle package which not only reflects future technologies but also aligns with the company’s sustainability vision. As this segment is still at quite a nascent stage, the full needs and expectations are not yet clearly defined. But in developing the product, time was spent listening to those integral in shaping the eco-system and to customers to help identify some of those needs.

Among the special benefits of e-kasko, customers receive coverage against risks specific to electric vehicles such as incorrect charging, towing costs to a repair shop, coverage against theft of charging equipment, damage caused by third parties, battery coverage and support for running out of charge.  

In the first three months after launch, 778 policies were sold, resulting in 2% of the EV market being insured with e-kasko. In designing this product, Aksigorta also partnered with Eşarj, one of the leading charging services companies in Türkiye, providing customers with a 10% discount when using these services. 

Aksigorta recognises that customers who make eco-friendly choices to drive electric vehicles probably also appreciate the impact driving has on the environment and their own carbon footprint. Consequently, Aksigorta aims to support its customers when they make these deliberate sustainable life choices. So as an additional benefit, with every policy purchased, Aksigorta automatically plants trees on behalf of the customer facilitated by the Ege Orman Foundation.