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Ageas UK launches major Data Literacy drive as cornerstone to future success

Ageas UK believes that its future success will be determined by how well it can manage but also understand data. That means transforming the organisation into one that has a data driven mindset and that applies to everyone who works in the organisation. It’s not someone else’s problem to solve!

Ageas UK launches major Data Literacy drive as cornerstone to future success

To make that happen, Ageas UK has been taking measures to embed data literacy into the very core of everything that it does. That means providing the right tools and access to the right knowledge. These were the driving forces behind Ageas UK’s decision to establish the Ageas Data Personas Initiative and the Ageas Data Academy. 

Ageas UK believes that everyone should have the capability to read, work with, analyse and challenge data as part of the strategic decision-making process. It means the business is less reliant on intuition-based decision-making in favour of a more powerful data-driven mindset. 

This initiative has been embraced within the organisation and today more than 1,000 people or around 40% of the employee population are actively engaged in the programme from many different functions. Through a 12-week Data Persona Workbook engagement process we can better understand the distribution of our data talent but more importantly, identify how Ageas can create greater data understanding and develop its core skills to improve data literacy more broadly

The Data Literacy Programme has revolutionised data literacy in the company empowering people to confidently ask the right questions of data. It is ensuring that everyone is speaking the same data language at the level they are most comfortable from ‘undergraduate’ to ‘postgraduate’ level. The programme also reflects Ageas UK’s commitment to continuous learning and to investing in its people.