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Shifting consumer behaviours in mobility space leads to new solutions

A fully centralised Mobility Ecosystem with services, products and partners that are fully connected, is the way forward according to Seguro Directo.

Shifting consumer behaviours in mobility space leads to new solutions

As Mobility moves from a standardised ownership model and decentralised Ecosystem towards a more on demand, usage-based customised model, the need to adapt both the offering and the way it is delivered to customers becomes clear. The emphasis is on hyper personalisation through a centralised and connected Ecosystem. Seguro Directo is already on this journey, focusing on new digital and disruptive value propositions including among others the application of telematics technology, aiming to improve the customer experience beyond their expectations by providing prevention and a more tailored value proposition geared to the individual needs of each customer. 

Transforming the perception of insurance

Central to the Grupo Ageas Portugal’s ability to deliver a Mobility Ecosystem is a new app which is now offering a pay per kilometre option. This Drive Less, Pay Less option is geared to those drivers who drive fewer and would like to see this reflected in their premiums, adding more transparency and fairness to the way each customer views his policy and premium. 

Put simply, if pay per kilometre customers drive less than 5,000 km and provide requisite proof, they will receive cashback on renewal of the policy. But as well as pricing linked proportionally to usage, customers also receive educational tips for safer driving with information on their driving behaviours, namely speeding, cornering, distracted driving, etc. By implementing cutting-edge technologies, Grupo Ageas Portugal is helping to transform how people perceive and use car insurance, making road safety more accessible and effective, ticking the boxes of innovation and sustainability at the same time. 

As well as the pay –per kilometre and pay how you drive options, the first phase of the new app also includes an embedded digital discount card and access to road assistance services digitally. The journey continues…