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ULI Europe & Global Awards for Excellence 2023 “Scholen van Morgen” (Schools of Tomorrow) project receives double distinction

Following recognition of the European ULI Award, "Scholen van Morgen", AG Real Estate’s public-private partnership (PPP) to modernise Flemish school infrastructure, has also won the "ULI Global Award for Excellence 2023". This prestigious award presented by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) recognises real estate projects from all over the world for their exceptional character. 

ULI Europe & Global Awards for Excellence 2023 “Scholen van Morgen” (Schools of Tomorrow) project receives double distinction

This double win is not only recognition of the scale, effectiveness and social impact of this school building programme, but it will hopefully also act as an inspiration to the wider real estate and urban planning sector in Europe and around the world. And, of course, these two awards are not just accolades for an exceptional project, they are also a tribute to the efforts of everyone who has contributed (and continues to contribute) to the success of "Schools of Tomorrow". Over the course of the last 10 years the programme has resulted in the renovation or construction of a remarkable 182 schools, benefiting around 133,000 pupils

Public-private partnerships are essential to the growth of our society. The “Scholen van Morgen” programme is a concrete example of how an insurer can transform the investment of its policyholders' pension savings into sustainable public infrastructure, thanks to an active partnership between a professional insurer, a renowned property developer and the government.